Cheers to a New Year – Hello 2021
Hello everyone!
We made it to 2021. Wow, it was quite harrowing but we have been fortunate enough to come out on the other side. This year we can truly say and mean “have a happy new year” because we know all too well how it can fail to come to fruition. On a lighter note one unexpected change that occurred was how our own bedrooms and living rooms quickly became our own personal runways for our fashions that we hoped one day we could wear outside again. So I like everyone else busted out my best gear to greet the new year in my home.
Before I even chose the outfits I was gonna put together I knew Beyonce’s – Freakum Dress was gonna be my go to song. The song embodied the empowerment and confidence I needed to make my first TikTok video (:D I’m a late Millennial and I haven’t done my YouTube channel for a while so I’m shy again lol) and show my favorite looks. Also I realized this song came out before some Gen Z were even born…And I oop! If you’ve never listened to it please go check it out.

Cheetah mini dress / Cream teddy coat / Cream chain shades
Gold shimmer mini dress / Long tinsel earrings / Black blazer
Get 10% off Shein items by using this code!
As for resolutions…is that a thing anymore? I’d rather call them yearly motivations. Even more so breaking them up into quarters makes them more achievable with measurable progress.
2021 Motivations
– Not letting outside circumstances prevent me from prioritizing my own self care and mental health
– Not taking free time for granted but not feeling bad for taking “me” time. Not every moment do I have to fill with things to do but I have to make the best of the free time that I’ve been blessed to have.
– Being the best Auntie in the world
– Giving my all to the Sweet x Aesthetic brand – hopefully inspiring others to follow their life passions.
– Making social issues and giving a priority
– Mastering sewing and learning draping
And that about sums it up. Honestly this whole list are things I want to live by for the rest of my life. So they’re start in 2021 and continue on for a long time.
In regards to what you’ll be seeing here as well as on my social media – I’ve got a few things lined up. Hopefully more opportunities will come to fruition throuhgout the year. 🙂
Upcoming projects for SweetxAesthetic
– Brand collabs / A few are on the way!
– DIY/sewing/How to projects
– A lot of Kpop How to style/cosplay (I used to do a lot of this back in the day when I was in Korea so I’ll be bringing it back!)
– My own web host for SweetxAsthetic blog and shopping site (Goodbye Blogger and Etsy!…eventually…)
– A site makeover (Kinda…this blog look is fairly new but once I get the designing I think it’ll end up a lot different. Super excited :D.)
– We’ll be hitting 1 Million visits soon so maybe a giveaway? Would be nice right? Lol.
– Possibly some cooking? I enjoy making fusion Korean food so who knows what could be next!
For now this is what’s in my brain but I do enjoy surprises so we’ll see what the future brings.
So to wrap everything up I want to thank everyone for their support of SweetxAesthetic and SweetxAesthetic Shop. Over the last 10 years I’ve be on and off blogging due to life but so many of you have continued to visit, message me it check up, purchased mask, shared my content…so many acts of kindness. I thank you all and I can’t wait to experience 2021 with you all.