12 thoughts on “Yeosu Expo & Rain Kpop Concert!”

  1. The expo looks like so much fun! I wish that I could go! Do they have the expo every year? Also, is it held in Korea every year or does it change? I'm glad that you're having fun and got to see Rain again!
    –Ciara 😀 <3

  2. Hi April,

    You are so lucky! It looks like a lot of fun at the expo. Rain smiled at you and you've seen him three times, I wish I could see him in concert at least once.

  3. Hello!
    Yes is was a blast! And yes the expo is every year but it is held in different countries each time so this year Korea got it.

    🙂 Aja Aja!

  4. Awesome! I'm glad you had such a great experience at the Expo and to see Rain [love sigh]. I'm loving the pictures and videos!

    Did you find it difficult to get lodging in Yeosu? I'm heading down there to see the Expo and see the SuJu/CNBLUE concert, and I may have to stay the night there.

  5. Hey chicka!

    That's awesome you are heading down there soon, its so fun! BUT lodging is very difficult to find. That's actually been one of the biggest complaints about the Expo, is the lack of accommodation. I was gona go by myself but found out my friend was going so she was like lets go together. She and her friend had luckily found a place to stay that was really near by. Not sure exactly what it was called but it was like a mini apartment connected to this coffee store called "Coffee Time".
    So maybe look that up in Google and see what comes up. The owners of the coffee shop owned and rented out the spaces. I think the room was 80,000 won.

    Also as soon as you get to the expo BUY YOUR TICKET BACK if still haven't figured out lodging because its a mad house at the KTX and people start going crazy when the last bus tickets sell out so get yours early to avoid the madness. I'd say it's better to go back to Seoul and just stay at a Jimjilbang or motel than be stuck there trying to look for lodging. It can get confusing.

    Anywho have a lot of fun!!! And let me know about it! I want to see pictures and video! Say hi to Eunhyuk for me 😉

  6. Oh yeah and the KTX runs till about midnight so you'll still have time after the concert to catch a train back. The next one after midnight I think is around 4am.

  7. I wish I could have been there. One day I will get to see the "King" of K-Pop in person. Plus, the Expo looked awesome. So jealous over here 😉

  8. Thank you so much for all the helpful tips! Oh man, I had a feeling the lodging was going to be difficult. I will just head back to Seoul after the concert. That's cool because I will see if I can have a very small chance to land SHINee tix. If not I'll just hang around the stadium I guess lol

  9. Hi, may I know roughly what time did the concert start? Also, how early did you have to queue for the concert in order to secure good seats?

  10. Hello,
    Well it started at 8pm, but folks started lining up way in the morning hours. A friend I know that went lined up at 2pm, and my friends and I lined up at 4pm. By that time the line was out of control, wrapped around a couple buildings! Lol. So by the time we finally got through the line which wasn't long at all (they started letting people into the area around 3:45 I think) it was about 5pm so we still had 3 hours to just sit there and wait.

    But there were videos playing and we had mats to sit on so everything was good. We managed to get a good section to sit at the end of the stage. Where we were were the last of the close seats. Some people were like a football field away! LOl. Hope this helps!
    If you go have fun!!!!

  11. Pingback: Rain Still Raining Tour in Las Vegas - The Year of April

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