1) Wash your mask – frequently :]
It’s first best to admit that it can be difficult to remember to wash your masks…they’re usually in the car, on a dresser or lost in a bag! But with these few tips I share next, I promise it’ll easily become a part of your daily/weekly routine.
- The first step is to purchase a small net laundry bag that’s usually used for delicates. They’re relatively cheap ranging from $3 for a single one and up to $14 for a set. I purchased mine from Hello Tokyo for only $3.
- After purchasing, tie the bag to your laundry basket (or you can just throw it in there) so you can easily throw your mask in with your laundry without it getting buried in your clothes.
- Then when it’s laundry day all you have to do is throw the laundry bag in with your clothes!
- Also remember to use a non-fragrant detergent if you have sensitive skin. Personally I prefer GAIN (it smells so good.) The fragrance hasn’t irritated my skin so it works for me.
- Lastly, sometimes it can be difficult to find a place to lay out your mask to dry. You can throw them in the dryer but personally i prefer hang drying them so there’s no shrinkage. So for this I use a clothespin hanger rack. I first saw these used in Korea and wondered why I hadn’t been exposed to this great product before!
- Another cheap item to grab between $4 – $14.
2) Moisturize that wonderful skin~
This is very important! Since masks cause friction across the face, our pores easily become hotbeds for bacteria. Applying a layer of moisturizer will create a barrier for your skin. I prefer to moisturize twice a day, once in the morning and a sleep pack at night.
Morning Moisturizer – Nature Republic Aloe Vera $8
Night Moisturizer – Tony Moly Intense Care – Dual Effect Sleeping Pack $24
3) Try no makeup – come on, you can do it!
Have you suffered from maskne?
What are some steps you recommend?
Let me know in the comments!
April Jay is a style and travel content creator who loves sewing, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and rocking out to coldrain.
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