Charish Home Décor Collaboration – Coffee Table Chic

Hey guys!
I recently did a collaboration with furniture and home decor site Chairish for a project to showcase bloggers home décor aesthetic. is a fun and easy way to buy and sell vintage furniture with other home décor lovers. So if you love home decor, check them out!

Now for this project I chose to showcase my fun and quirky home décor aesthetic. My personal style is Modern Eclectic because I love to mix and match different styles with modern pieces to make a cohesive and fun look. So for this coffee table I chose a modern style in a fun and vibrant color. For my Asian inspiration I used Japanese and Chinese elements along with chic and colorful modern pieces. Since I love to mix and match, I threw in a dash of southwestern with a bronze statue that adds length and a contrasting style.

Charish - Asian Eclectic

I hope you guys enjoyed my design and don’t forget to head over to and like them on Facebook!

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