Hello Pink Ninjas!
I know many of you are lovers and connoisseurs of Korean beauty products so I thought this post would be enjoyed by many! One of the cheapest and most accessible Korean beauty products to get a hold of are face masks/sheets! There’s such an array of choices out there that sometimes it can be confusing on where to get them, how much to pay and which are good quality.
Here are 4 of my personal tips on purchasing and using Korean (and this could go for Japanese or any brand) face sheet masks!
4 Tips For Face Sheet Masks
This is my #1 tip for purchasing Asian sheet masks. I say this because if you look at the first 5-6 ingredients on any mask, they’re all the same! So really there’s no reason to pay more for one than the other. It’s basically water and the added flavor you get (i.e. broccoli, tomato, snail!) Retailers will make you think it’s something special but it’s just a marketing game! Ebay has a lot of options that are reasonable so check those out.
99% of all the face masks I’ve used have never correctly fit my face. It might be because it was created for the Asian consumer or maybe they think it’s better shaped a certain way. I’m not sure! But what I do know is that it doesn’t fit my face properly. So to solve that, after I apply it to my face I cut away the access mask. Usually it’s the sides that are too wide and get into my hair. Why not just add it to your neck! For me I add it to the tip of my nose because it never properly covers it. Most of my nose is sticking out and doesn’t get the nice moisture! So don’t be afraid to shape the mask to cater your face.
Easy one, but it might be temping to take it after 10 minutes or so but why not wait till all the moisture has seeped into your skin?! I usually like to put it on after I shower then clean my room up or go fix some coffee. Before you know it you’ve had it on 30 minutes and your face is looking flawless!
Oh yeah! During my time in Korea I was avid about collecting ones with my favorite Kpop stars on it. Most groups (or at least 1 or two of the members) become spokespersons for a cosmetics brand so it’s not odd to see them plastered on the products. Now sometimes it’s not so easy to get your hands on this stuff! For GD for The Saem, you had to spend $50 or more to get a poster or any product with his face on it so you had to cash it out baby! I luckily ran into an employee that loved foreigners (as most do) and threw in a GD face sheet for me with my purchase (that was less than $50.) SCORE. I also landed a RARE Rain for Nature Republic one. He was for this brand before I got to Korea so I wasn’t able to get my hands on his products. But a girl I used to be friends with gave me one she had collected and BAM! I got me a rare one!
And that’s it!
If you’re a first time buyer or a pro I hope these tips helped you in some way!
Before you go, let me know,
What brand of Face Sheet Masks is your favorite?
Let me know in the comments!
All photos are mine so please credit if you use them.
April Jay is a style and travel content creator who loves sewing, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and rocking out to coldrain.
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