Style Log Korea: JYJ for Tony Moly

The fine men of JYJ are the new spokes men for Korean face brand Tony Moly and the brand seems proud to have them. At the 3 stores I’ve been to there have been all types of posters and giveaway merchandise that would make any kpop fan faint! So please enjoy this video of Style Log Korea. Below are in-store photos and pictures of JYJ items I purchased. Unfortunately Tony Moly can’t be purchased online from outside of Korea but if you do visit don’t forget to stop by and check out the amazing products they have!

JYJ posters to choose from inside a Tony Moly located in Hyehwa,
Which one should I choose?! So hard!
Collagen eye mask, nose pore, under-eye patch and free samples.
Lip gloss, lip scrub and moisturizer, white nail polish, puff pads, mint breath spray and a free eye brow pencil.
My posters! Junsu, Jae, and Chunnie!
Free file folder
My small Yoochun cardboard stand. 🙂
My Junsu poster! So smexy!

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