MAMAS (Mnet Asian Music Awards) 2012 Top 5 WTF Moments

The MAMAS (MNET Asian Music Awards) recently aired with the biggest names in Asia in attendance. Popular artists from all over Asia performed, most notably Big Bang, Super Junior, American rapper BOB and many more. As I watched it on TV some major WTF moments caught my attention! Check out my TOP 5 WTF’s!

Also what were your favorite moments from the show?

5) JYP aka the Asian P.Diddy


Unfortunately JYP thinks he’s a little more important than he actually he which is EXTREMELY comparable to what P.Diddy thinks of himself as a rapper. Both need to bring it down a FEW notches! And why did JYP feel the need to rip his shirt off?..sigh..

4) You’re on Candid Camera!



The saying goes there is always someone watching you so be cautious of what you do. Well you’d think the celebrities would know that by now. Goo Hara got caught whispering and pointing at GA-IN while she was on stage and Super Junior members kept being caught looking half sleep.

3) Pink Panther and Why Are You Here?



There’s a tie for 3rd place. First up is TOP’s pink ensemble that spoke to his inner M.Bison from Street Fighter. But I gotta say from a fashion standpoint THAT OUTFIT WAS ON FIRE. Who said men can’t rock pink?
Korean article states “Top’s charisma isn’t too much to wear pink.”


Second is Adam Lambert. For the life of me of couldn’t figure out WHY in the heck he was at the Asian music awards. Maybe he’s got a little Asian in him? He didn’t even do a collab with a kpop star like BOB did with Seo In Young and K.Will. BUT a few days later while scouring Korean sites for some info I ran across tickets for an Lambert concert in Seoul in February. I’m guessing he’s trying to get more promotion before his concert.

2) Why So Serious?



Epik High dressing up as the Joker, Bain and Two Face from Batman was very intriguing  I love how care free they are but it took me forever to figure out who was in the Joker mask because I missed the first 30 minutes of the awards. And obviously by the MAMA after party video footage uploaded on Youtube where Tablo’s jumping on the DJ booth, shows they really do know how to party.

1) Cray Cray Jay Jay



Big Bang’s performance of Fantastic Baby/Crayon was EPIC. There’s no debating that but one thing that stood out most to me was a different GD on stage. It was very dark and sexy, not the usual playful leader we usually see. I want more of that GD!! Since everybody and they mama got an alter ego now, how about GD have one?
And I also liked his no shirt on outfit too 😉 AND the blue contacts. Kawaii!

You can check out BB iconic performance here!


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2 thoughts on “MAMAS (Mnet Asian Music Awards) 2012 Top 5 WTF Moments”

  1. I gotta say while I didn't watch all of Mamas show, my highlight was seeing G-Dragon with red hair and TOP in pink!! Ahhh they looked so good with those colors. I agree with the no shirt part, we need more!!

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