2NE1 New Evolution World Tour in Seoul (Fan Account)
2NE1 kicked off their World Tour in Seoul on Saturday and Sunday with a bang. I had the opportunity to attend the Saturday concert. Actually I can’t even call it a concert, it really was an OUT OF THIS WORLD DANCE CLUB. I danced THE ENTIRE TIME and screamed my tail off. My right arm has a huge muscle in it now from me pumping my 2NE1 winged light stick in the air for 2 hours. This show also showcased 2NE1 as sexy women. We usually see them as strong, fierce, I-can-do-it-myself women, which of course this show displayed, but we also got to see them in a new light. I believe this tour was a chance to show themselves as sexy adult women too. From the sleek smoky sillhouete screen shots to their skin barring costumes and dance moves, we all had no doubt that 2NE1 are 4 sexy women not to be reckoned with.
- 2ne1 is THE BEST If you attended this show you’d completely understand. If not you soon will. 2NE1 is top notch, inspirational, beautiful, intriguing, energetic….the list goes on and on. There was so much POWER in their performance the entire night. I didn’t want to leave the venue. It was like I wanted to stay forever…and chill and party with 2NE1.
- Style like 2NE1 The official merchandise for the show was quite amazing. All different style T-shirts, meshed tanks and jewelry that one could wear on a daily basis. Dara said on her ME2Day that they wanted to create practical items that could be used by the fans and would also show their love and support for 2NE1. The items are showcased in the latest edition of 1st Look Magazine featuring 2NE1.
Official Merchandise display case
- Quality YG Anything YG does is always the best of the best. This is the 3rd YG artist concert I’ve been to and each one always has the best costumes, sound, transitions, bands, everything. You leave knowing you were just presented with the best product created.
- Rock With You And speaking of quality, YG sure knows how to pick a band. How about Beyonce’s band? How about fierce rocker Divinity Roxx? Yeah, the baddest chick on the guitar was there along with an amazing band that made every song powerful and soulful. Side note: I’d love to see Divinity rock out with MIYAVI!
- CLUB 2NE1 Yes, our girls need their own club in Seoul. No one can tell me I didn’t just attend a freaking CLUB. The best freaking club ever. I jumped and whipped my hair back and forth for 2 hours straight. Even though there was no standing section, only seats, everyone stood for the entire show. I mean how could ANYONE sit while listening to “I am the best?” It’s against the law!
- Souful Bom Bom sang “You and I” which brought me to TEARS. I was bawling. She took me to church! It reminded me a lady at my church in Kansas tearing up a song on a Sunday morning. I wanted to shout “Amen! Amen! Sang that song girl!” She tore it up for real. She even had a long gown on that looked like a choir robe.
- DJ CL The leader of 2NE1 is by far “The best female Seoul City eva’ had.” There’s no lie with that. She had us pumping our fists to Rhianna, Madonna and other jumping techno songs. So multitalented!
- Mimzy the Dancing Machine The maknae is by far the best female dance in Korea. No one can compare. I would say she’s one of the best female entertainer dancers out there. She has so much Seoul and energy flowing through her veins. She popped, locked and tutted (Egyptian hand movements) during her solo set while dancing to a few songs including Common’s “Universal Mind Control.” I once said in a video that Mimzy used to be a sista in her past life. It’s true. 😛
- 2NE1 Loves You Definitely the most hyped song of the night. Everyone was ready for it. As soon as the music lingered in and we heard CL saying “When you feel like there’s no way out, Love is the only way” EVERYONE went crazy!!!!
- Freaky Dara So lil Miss Dara took a few pointers from Beyonce and picked a guy from the audience for a PG-13 semi lap dance. It was extremely cute and funny.
- Was that Taeyang? There was a transition after Bom’s solo stage where 2 guys with mohawks were inside a drum. Next thing you heard were murmers of “Is that Taeyang, is that Tae?” Unfornutely no.
- Multi-Cultural Evolution Every foreigner in Korea attended this concert. This tops any other concert in the amount of foreigners attending. So many I couldn’t count. I’d guesstimate 15-20% were foreigners. And I’m talking about aged 4-50. I saw way older men foreign and Korean all the way down to 4 year olds. 2NE1 is for everyone and THAT is why they are going to be number 1!
Unofficial merchandise sold after the show
- Lovely Ladies Care There was booth outside the venue where you coiuld donate $3 or more to Africa to plant fruit for children. They also took your picture when you donated and each person received a certificate that was signed by all the ladies. You could also choose from an array of stamp colors to make a thumb print for your signature. Of course I chose hot pink!
Cute Dara Etude House CutOut
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After jumping and sweating for 2 hours! |
After attending this show, I had one thing that was a now definite fact in my mind….
Brace yourselves….
You just made me even more excited to see them I'm going to the concert here in Nj. on the 17th of aug. I cant wait ^_^
OMG, I want to go to the concert even more now! I'm now searching for tickets. This is like a once in a lifetime thing…I better just go, lol! 😀
oh my gooosh I am super psyched right now!!! thank you for sharing! and you look lovely!!
Hows the ticket sales though?
i love 2ne1!!! cl swag be on point
I really wish I could go… But I don't live anywhere near one of the venues… T___T
thank you for the fan account…my favorite 2ne1 song is maybe not the obvious one for other people but it is for me..it has to be "stay together" i love the sound the lyrics everything about that song…everything…and i want 2ne1 to stay together for as long as possible so yeah…
I love all of 2ne1 songs I can't possibly choose. However you did say ONE song so the song that I choose is I am the Best. I am the Best is a song that I never get tired of listening to (#1 in my most played in my iPod touch) even when I work out I play it. I Am the Best is like my life theme song keke. Although, I Am the Best is not only a song that you can dance to, but for me it is a song that I can listen to when I am down or when I feel insecure about myself. Sort of a encouraging song for me. Although I love all of 2ne1 song, I am the best is one of my most favorites song.
I'm going to go to the New Jersey show with a friend and I can't tell you how excited you've made me!
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Omg, i wish i could go to one of their concerts
2NE1. Officially THE BEST.
Was their any doubt that they are the best! Now they just need to have a concert in Toronto!
It's hard to choose which song is my favorite, because I truly like all equally.
But I would go with 2NE1's UGLY. The beat is just very uplifting and the lyrics talks about everything we would feel frequently. A nice comforting song. ^_^
My fav member is CL <3
2NE1 is the BESTTTTTTTTT. They are SO diverse in their abilities and talents. This is what makes them the best female Kpop group PERIOD! 😀
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I love watching your videos and keep up the good work! 🙂
My favourite 2NE1 song is I AM THE BEST!
Why? Because everytime I listen to this song really makes me believe that I AM THE BEST! This song also helps me during the exam times when I have to take an exam in school. I listen to this song before I take my exam because it gives me strength if you know what I mean? and it reakky makes me believe that I AM THE BEST and I can do anything. Not only that but the beat is so good that it makes me wanna dance =)
UBER enjoyed your concert review! You're hilarious
For the contest, I'd have to give the spotlight to 2ne1's Clap Your Hands. It's musicality, rhythm and lyrics, such as, "Wherever you were, whatever you were doing/Leave your worries all behind and everyone clap your hands," naturally draws out an energetic joy! And I enjoy the communal implications when they sing "2NE1 Let’s play together and call out quickly/Those who are alone." It's a great workout when you dance the MV dance =)
Hi! Awesome pics…do you know how much the light stick was?
My favorite 2NE1 Song is Ugly. Why? Well, because when u stop to like what u see in the mirror u have to believe in somethin and 2NE1 make me feel beautiful at least for 4 minutes and 33 seconds.
Hello! This is the first video I'm watching of yours and you're really funny and kind! <3
My favourite 2NE1 song would have to be I AM THE BEST. Without a doubt. This upbeat song is all too motivating! ^.^. I feel the greatest listening to 'naega jeil jal naga' when down and in doubt. 2NE1 HWAITING!~ I LOVE YOU~~~ The Pink Fashion Ninja, you are rad! ;D
Cool fan account!! I really enjoyed watching it! 😀
The pictures are awesome too!!
Blackjacks unite!!
2NE1 fighting!!!^^
Concert was AMAZING! I went to the one in NJ this past Friday. I'm just so mad they were not selling any 2NE1 merchandise! I wanted them to take all my money! lol! But other than that everything else was amazing! Loved every moment of the concert!
Really great fan account. I almost went to the one in NJ but decided not to, since I'm more of a BigBang fan. I kind of regret it now, as all the fancams I've seen look really fun. I will be attending the BigBang concert though!
I've read about your blog in a few places so I had to come visit. Check out mine when you get a chance.