2AM and Infinite H for Feb @Star1 Magazine

This week I picked up a copy of Star1 Magazine featuring ballad crooners 2AM and hip hop sub group Infinite H. Style wise, 2AM went for a laid back earth toned collection while Infinite H showed off their suave side in dark tailored suits with embellishments.

During Infinite H’s interview they were asked to describe their type of “Special Girl.” Member Dong Woo stated that his ideal girl frequently changes, 

“Right now, it’s someone who can pull off any kind of hairstyle, dreaming of a girl who can pull off long straight hair, ponytails, or dyed hairstyles. “We can match up personalities later.” 

Sounds like homeboy should hook up with Nicki Minaj. ;D

Hoya responded,

“I’ve recently been attracted to people who are fluent in languages. Whether they speak English or other languages, when it seems like they don’t know how to speak a language but suddenly busts it out, I feel their charms.” 

Well ladies, seems Hoya’s been eyeing Waygooks lately. This should be your added motivation to keep studying TTMK.

2AM is currently planning a spring comeback.

Cutie Lim Seulong also posed with an adorable dog and showed how real and sincere he is about making it in the industry the right way.
“After I made my debut and started earning money and fame, I felt that I was getting dirtied,” added Lim Seulong. “As I kept getting stained by the entertainment industry, I kept thinking, ‘I will get clean.’ Somewhere along the way, I realized that there are things in life more important than fame or money.” 

You can order a copy from ebay for $3.90. (USD)

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