Guest Blogger: BiAlamode: The Cultural Blend
The Cultural Blend
wonder why so many people find the mixing of cultures so
disconcerting? Well, I’ve often wondered this myself….in
silence mind you, but for me I see “the
cultural blend” as a beautiful thing. In the last five years or
so, hubby and I have started traveling in earnest and I must say the
places that I’ve seen so far have whetted my appetite for knowledge
about people and their
cultures. Those parts of the world that I have come across have
pushed a “curiosity button” inside me and I gotta tell ya, I’m
ready to see much more
of the world’s beautiful places and yes,
Asia tops the list.
wonder why so many people find the mixing of cultures so
disconcerting? Well, I’ve often wondered this myself….in
silence mind you, but for me I see “the
cultural blend” as a beautiful thing. In the last five years or
so, hubby and I have started traveling in earnest and I must say the
places that I’ve seen so far have whetted my appetite for knowledge
about people and their
cultures. Those parts of the world that I have come across have
pushed a “curiosity button” inside me and I gotta tell ya, I’m
ready to see much more
of the world’s beautiful places and yes,
Asia tops the list.
think that may also be one reason why I love fashion so much, its
colors and patterns bold and bright, so visually stimulating…..and
the possibilities?…..well…..they’re
endless. In my humble
opinion, “the cultural blend” can be found in many places but one
of the first places
would be in fashion.
think that may also be one reason why I love fashion so much, its
colors and patterns bold and bright, so visually stimulating…..and
the possibilities?…..well…..they’re
endless. In my humble
opinion, “the cultural blend” can be found in many places but one
of the first places
would be in fashion.
see, fashion blends a little sumptin’,
sumptin’ from everybody’s culture.
Fashion designers truly fascinate me, because their creative minds
start at the point of their
own origins and then their designs sprout wings and take flight.
Wherever that “little creative birdie” lands, influence takes
see, fashion blends a little sumptin’,
sumptin’ from everybody’s culture.
Fashion designers truly fascinate me, because their creative minds
start at the point of their
own origins and then their designs sprout wings and take flight.
Wherever that “little creative birdie” lands, influence takes
be told, we human beings blend culturally all the time, whether we
even realize it or not. We take little pieces here and there from
cultures that cross our path…putting our “little spin” on that
thing. We make it our own. Be it designers making Japanese kimonos
with African textile prints,
be told, we human beings blend culturally all the time, whether we
even realize it or not. We take little pieces here and there from
cultures that cross our path…putting our “little spin” on that
thing. We make it our own. Be it designers making Japanese kimonos
with African textile prints,
Koreans entertainers wearing cornrows and afros………….
Koreans entertainers wearing cornrows and afros………….
American female singers wearing traditional Asian attire and a young
lad following suit……………..
American female singers wearing traditional Asian attire and a young
lad following suit……………..
end up with is a “cultural smoothie” I like to call it. When the
“blending” of cultures takes place, it creates an appreciation
for and stimulates an open mind regarding others who are different
from us, or at least… should.
our fashions…even to our music, when “the cultural blend”
happens, that’s when true
beauty comes to fore. Oh
and when “the cultural blend” happens in the….ahem…..“Biblical
sense” the world and
its inhabitants get blessed
with this…………………..
our fashions…even to our music, when “the cultural blend”
happens, that’s when true
beauty comes to fore. Oh
and when “the cultural blend” happens in the….ahem…..“Biblical
sense” the world and
its inhabitants get blessed
with this…………………..
forget you fellas*)
forget you fellas*)
iconic talent like this…………………….
all I can say is if this is what the world gets from being tossed in
a Magic Bullet, keep
the “cultural smoothies” coming baby….keep’em coming!
all I can say is if this is what the world gets from being tossed in
a Magic Bullet, keep
the “cultural smoothies” coming baby….keep’em coming!
I think
these three feel me….SMILES!
these three feel me….SMILES!
next time……………………………….. #TeamCulturalBlend.
next time……………………………….. #TeamCulturalBlend.
courtesy of the World Wide Web therefore considered public domain,
all photo collages courtesy
courtesy of the World Wide Web therefore considered public domain,
all photo collages courtesy
D. LaShore aka BiAlamode, please credit as tagged*
D. LaShore aka BiAlamode, please credit as tagged*
text herein is the property of the author D. LaShore and may not be
copied with permission)*
text herein is the property of the author D. LaShore and may not be
copied with permission)*
Hello to all of the Pink Fashion Ninja’s out there,