Come See Me At Kcon 2014!
Hello my Pink Ninja’s!
Is anyone planning to hit up KCon this year? I hope you are because I would love to meet you! I’ll be out and about that weekend with the Aewen Radio crew AND speaking on a panel!
Come hear me and other ladies of the K Fashion World at the “How To Be A Kpop Fashionista” Panel on Sunday August 10th at 3:30PM PST.
Other speakers on the panel include Shelley from Kworld Style, cosplayer Candiie Wish, Corey Stiles from Replay Replay and singer Arnelle Nonon.
So feel free to stop and say hi if you see me! I’ll also be around KTown during the weekend and a few shows Spica will be performing at.
Hope to see you there!