How To Start A Travel Blog and YouTube Channel 2021

Traveling overseas soon and thinking about starting a travel blog or YouTube Channel but not sure how to start? We’ll I’m here to help you get started on your journey. Below are a list of helpful tips and info I’ve acquired over the years as a traveler, blogger and vlogger in South Korea.

*post contains affiliate links


1. Choose a specific day to blog
By choosing specific days to blog, it’ll help you get on a schedule and aid in keeping your blogs consistently coming. Consistency is key!

Blogging & Marketing by Robert G. Price (Paperback)

2. Quantity over Quality ONLY in the beginning.
We usually only hear about quality over quantity so you might think this tip is wrong. BUT when you’re just starting out it’s easy to get wrapped up in having everything perfect which leads to you not completing the ideas you had. Even with growing on Tiktok, social media gurus say to not over think it and just post post post. Sometimes up to 3-10 times a day! Same with blogging. You can make a quick list of your favorite items that month, favorite quotes, top 10 best, what you wore or aet that day…anything! 

Another reason I prefer quantity of quality is because quality equals money most of the times: top equipment, great lighting, expensive editing equipment, MAC computers…the list goes on. So in the beginning just focus on getting your name out there and as you grow and earn money through collaborations and affiliate links you can think really get to the quality you desire. 
LED Selfie Ring Light Tripod GPED //

3. Make every trip into a blog post
Visiting Busan? Make it a post about fun things to do there. Going to a festival? Blog about the different Korean Indie artists. There’s always something to write about.

4. Don’t be too Cliche
Let’s say your going to Korea and you’re brainstorming ideas to blog about. Areas like Gangnam or Hongdae have been covered to death! So for your blog, try a new area to post about. If you love culinary visit a kimchi making place or the chocolate or coffee convention that comes every year. If you love fashion, find a new spot for shopping like somewhere in Gyeonggido or Uijeongbu. Find a cool store on Garosogil to showcase or find out about a store opening.
How about finding a spot in a small town (if you happen to live in the country) where someone can purchase CD’s or clothes if they live in a country area. Be the “in the know person” of your small town! Most people don’t end up in Seoul and are in need of fun and interesting things to do in their town.

5. Keep it new and interesting!

6. Add your blog to Blog Networks

Try these out!

YouTube Channel

You can also start a YouTube channel by using these exact same steps. Choose a specific day to record your videos and edit them. Share them on all your social media. Make sure to ask permission to record or take videos if you’re in a store. If you have a friend who speaks Korean, BRING THEM. It’ll help tremendously.

Also with YouTube videos chose topics out of the ordinary. There are already hundreds of videos about Dating in Korea, Being Black in Korea, Coffee Shops in Korea, Hair Salons in Korea, the list goes on and on. Maybe you’re Muslim and want to share the experience of an expat in Korea wearing hijab? Or where to buy it in Korea. Maybe you’re trying to become a Kpop singer and want to share tips on how to get into auditions and such. MAKE IT YOU!

Also, if it’s right for you, join a Multi-Channel YouTube Vlogging network. I was recently recruited to one. Though I haven’t quite yet seen the results of being a part of one, I’d advise joining one if you feel they have the resources needed to increase your YouTube Channel exposure. Click here for more info on Vlogging Networks.

Hopefully these tips are helpful and will guide you on your way to becoming a travel blogger/vlogger!

Also add your blog or channel name in the comments so I and others can visit you. Good Luck!

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