Get Your Kpop On

When you’re a Kpop fan, you see Kpop in everything you do. Being out and about or at home cooking, SOMETHING will remind you of your favorite song or dance from a Kpop artist. For me, shopping would be where I get reminded of things. Below are a few accessories that make me say “OMO!”

G-Dragon’s Obsession

GD’s duo dark themed song Obsession (악몽 Nightmare) and She’s Gone are my absolute favorite of his (including Coup De’tat) so seeing the necklace below made me squeal. Obsession is all about not being over to get over the one you love.  Check out the pleading lyrics below.

“It’s my obsession, don’t curse me

That’s my obsession, don’t look away

It’s my obsession
Don’t tell me please, Don’t tell me, That’s my obsession

That’s my obsession

If only I could hold you once

I wish you were my lover for just a moment
Please, please, please I pray

Us, us, us, us together, together”

She’s Gone (technically part 2) is about taking the obsession over someone you lost going too far. The video shows G-Dragon creepily following her until there no place for her to run, no place for her to go to EVER. Oh so scary~

The pearls in the necklace embody the woman that he loves while the large gold “Obsessed” letters contrast the elegant flair of the pearls, representing the scary side of GD. $7.80

Lee Hyori Bad Girls

2013 was definitely the year of the bad girls as Queen Hyori led the way telling us:

“A girl who shines even when

she says something poisonous
A girl who doesn’t pretend

not to know when she does know

A girl who is attractive without

knowing exactly what it is about her

Bad bad bad bad girls”

She speaks the truth. Woman are frequently shown as damsels in distress but it is the woman that can get down and dirty and works hard who will make a name for herself. 

Styling in this beanie lets everyone know, you’re a bad girl for sure. $10.95.

Let me know in the comments what things remind you of Kpop?

Translated Lyrics Credit:

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