Seoul Fashion Week S/S 2013: Day 1

SFW 서울패션위크 has officially kicked off! At 11am brand Resurrection by Juyong graced the stage for the many in attendance. A total of 10 shows were scheduled today. I attended Caurso at 7pm. Though a bit late (because I got VERY sick this weekend and ended up getting TWO shots in my butt a few hours before), I was still able to catch most of the show. Unfortunatly I wasn’t able to see much inside since I got there later but there was a screen upstairs that aired the show in it’s entiretly for everyone to see. I have to say it was AN AMAZING 대박 experience and was my first time attending a “real” fashion. (I mean Seoul is a major city consisting of 10 million plus people!)
So below are snaps I took in and outside the venue. Since this just happened about 2 hours ago media pictures haven’t been released yet but when they are I will be sure to post and link them here.

The next shows I will be attending are on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I have a two day field trip with my school in the middle of the week so unfortunately I have to skip a few week days. But the party must go on!

The Caruso show was held at the beautiful War Memorial of Korea in Yongsan. Others shows will be held here, the Xii Galary and ShinSeGae Department Store.

Inside Caruso S/S 2012

I really liked the color palette used for this Caruso collection. It reminded me of Miami Vice with brights and pastels coherently mixed. Though when referring to Miami Vice, one might think martini’s and yachts, but this collection leaned towards a more relaxed everyday guy who wants to be stylish and comfortable.

I will say when I first saw this huge straw hat come down the runway first thing came to mind was The Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. I think it went with the relaxed vibe of the line but I can’t image any Korean guy walking down Gangnam with it on. Another piece I didn’t like was a Pajama type outfit with a loose fitting jacket. (You can see the back of him 2 photos above this one.)

One last tidbit to add. How do fan girls show up at every event? From the screams and gifts that were being thrown at them, I guessed that some of the male models were pretty well known and had fan bases because I literally got pushed by a hoard of girls shoving gifts to a male model who was standing in front of me. Crazy!

What do you think of Caruso’s S/S 2013 line? Any hit or misses?
 I hope you all enjoyed. I will have more amazing collections to share with you Friday!

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