My vacation in Japan was AMAZING. Eveything I ever dreamed of and more. I couldn’t believe I was actually strolling the Streets of Tokyo or walking in the huge crosswalk in front of Shibuya 109 or even freaking SHOPPING in Shibuya 109! For those who don’t know Shibuya 109 is a huge circular mall located in Shibuya Tokyo that is a fashionistas dream. There’s store after store after store. Endless each level you go. I also enjoyed Harajuku of course. Takeshita Dori street was beyond belief. I can’t believe I spent 2,000 Yen ($30) in the Daiso $1 store! It was just cutestness galore. Only bad thing was that the Harajuku girls weren’t on Jingubashi bridge on Sunday! Maybe because it was SO SCORCHING HOT but still I was a little sad to not have seen them.

I also traveled through Shinjuku which was quite amazing. Three of the most cutesy shopping areas in Tokyo! I strolled through Omestesando which is a really rich part of Tokyo with brands like Gucci and Chanel. I didn’t visit any palaces but I at least saw one! Haha. This trip was strictly for shopping and seeing all the places I dreamed about in college. Next time I will fit in more of a cultural trip. I did at least stand in front of Meiji Palace and stroll through Yoyogi Park to check out the A Nation festival that was going on. I also was able to meet up with friends! My buddy Jennifer helped me understand the very detailed Tokyo subway and train systems. She was literally the best Tokyo Fashion Tour Guide ever! I also met up with Jessica and her family (who I met at the Rain Last of the Best concert.) They brought me mac and cheese and CHEETOS from the US army base!!! Whoa! I was beyond happy. We met up Asakusa where I was staying and ate at a little shop that was delicious! We took a picture in front of a palace in Asakusa that was nearby so we had a great time. (I did see random girls out and about though 😉
Jennifer and I enjoying crepes in Harajuku. |
It was a dream come true for me to be in Japan. A place I flipped through in many book pages in the library
of my school, I was able to go to, to experience. I teared up a few times. Just knowing that I put my mind to something and did it. I said I was going to move to Korea, I did it. I said I was going to visit Japan, I did it. Nothing comes easy or without much stress but the end results makes it work it. Being there with my own money, on my own time, because I worked hard to be there, was wonderful. Majority of fashion folks look to Europe as their fashion haven, as their dream career city. Mines has always been different. The out there free style of Asia has always attracted me. The style of being yourself and not caring what others think is what makes me tick. Japan embodies that to the fullest.
Now the highlight of my trip was evident. I got called “KAWAII” (cute) by Japanese girls!! The very women who invented the word! Oh it was amazing!!! To be called cute by the people who know it best, just randomly while I was shopping in Shibuya and Shinjuku!!! I’m pretty sure it means more to me hearing it from them than if Karl Lagerfeld had said it to me! Seriously. Lol. I even got my picture taken by a photographer in Harajuku! Since he was an older man I’m hoping it was for a magazine and not for his own personal collection if you know what I’m saying. 😉
Jessica and her family! |
One thing that shocked me was that I couldn’t find Domo anywhere! Jennifer happen to know a place that she knew sold Domo stuff but when we went in the Domo section was extremely small. So apparently Domo is WAY bigger internationally than he is in Japan (or maybe the Domo trend is done with in Japan?).
It’s okay though, I will love him dearly. 😉
Now I took SO MANY PICTURES and shopped SO MUCH. That I must split my trip into multiple posts. This one will be a general post while in a second post I will show the AMAZING jewelry and things that I bought. I’ll also share some tips I’ve learned when traveling in an Asian country! So until next time!
Jessica’s daughter Jaelyn and I at a restaurant. |
The lovely ladu that cooked our delicious food! |
Harajuku |
Shibuya |
Shibuya 109 mall!!!! |
The $1 store I spent 2,000 yen ($30) in! That’s expensive in Japan! |
Yes, KISS Hello Kitty! |
I really wanted to buy this but it was really freaking expensive! |
A CD listening station inside Tower Records. Didn’t know Miku Hatsune had a new one out! |