Taeyang shut it down in San Francisco for his Music Experiment 2.0. Not only did he leave his mark on San Fran but on me! So many amazing things happened that week that my little Taeyang loving heart almost couldn’t take it all!
Though I’ve seen Big Bang in concert many times, it was my first solo Taeyang concert and first Kpop concert in America. This was also so monumental for him as it was his first solo performance in America! I think he was truly proud and humbled being asked to perform in San Fran.
As I stated above, many great things happened during my 3 days in San Francisco that I don’t even know where to start! How about I begin with the highlights then go back to the beginning? Sound good?
Tried to spray paint my hair white but it faded away 10 minutes later! 🙁 |
Something that made my YEAR was Taeyang wearing the face mask that I made for him! Now I got to attend the show and spent time with the ladies of Always Taeyang and YB Mania. Two of the ladies had VIP press passes since they were over the fan site so they got to meet him backstage. I asked *Clara (names are changed due to privacy) if she wouldn’t mind giving him a gift I made. She gladly obliged and I handed her the face mask which I had had in a ratty Sephora’s bag. Lol. (It was an all of a sudden thing since it was a mask I was working on to sell soon on my Etsy site so I didn’t have any proper packaging yet.) After enjoying the show and bla bla bla I went home slept and woke up to a jammed mentions tag on Twitter. Next thing I know she tells me she gave it to him that night AND she had proof that he had it!
And……my heart exploded….(see photo below)
Oh yeah, TAEYANG wore it! If only for a quick second…he did.
A version of the one I made for Taeyang. Order at aprilkamil88@gmail.com |
Oh yeah! International VIPS!
I also jumped in a photo with Big Bang’s band. I’m up there in the middle. 😀
Last but not least, the wonderful ladies of YB Mania who came over from Korea gifted the ladies and I some AWESOME Taeyang merchandise. ADORABLE Taeyang stationary, stamps, his Elle and Dazed and Confused Magazine, pins, mouse pads and more!
Wow I’ve shared so much and I haven’t even gave my fan account yet! So I arrived in San Francisco on Monday since the concert was that Tuesday. I wanted to have enough time to see Taeyang and also enjoy San Francisco. I hung out with a PFN follower named Mayte who showed me around San Fran. We had a great time eating Clam Chowder in a bread bowl at Fisherman’s Wharf (while being barked at by audacious ducks) and laughing our heads off at the Ripley’s “Believe it or Not” Museum and 7D experience.
Mayte was so awesome to hang out with. She had been following my YouTube vlogs since I started living in Korea so it was cool to speak with someone who had been apart of my journey.
Mayte and I taking photos around San Fran! |
So Tuesday finally arrived and I had breakfast with the ladies of Always Taeyang and YB Mania. It was the first time everyone met face to face but because of the shared love for Taeyang there was so much to chat about. After that a few of us went to the store to make signs for the show which are shown in the first photo above. Mine came out looking like some crackhead made it but the ladies said Tae likes homemade signs. I’ll take their word for it.~
We decided to all meet at 6pm to stand in line since doors opened at 8pm and the show started at 10:15pm. I showed up at around 5pm since I wanted to make sure I allotted myself time to get lost since I wasn’t from San Francisco. My dumb self hopped on the trolley with only $4 when the ride was $6! Anywho when the guy realized I didn’t have enough he didn’t sweat it and just walked to the other end of the trolley. So I got a FREE ride! But I’ll never try that again.

While waiting in line we all chatted and got pictures taken along with being interview by MTV Iggy. You can check it out below. We also stopped a guy who worked there that was around us looking for something. We asked him what he was up to and he said they were doing something with the line. As we chatted he shared where the best spot would be to stand and see Taeyang. He THEN showed us footage of Taeyang during his mic check that he recorded on his phone. We crowded around his phone all happy and next thing you know he goes “Up that’s it.” I then look behind me and a huge crowd was around us trying to get a glimpse of Taeyang in the video. It was nice while it lasted. :/
Soon it was time to enter! The place was quite awesome. Intel and MTV Iggy really made it an awesome experience as there was all types of cool things to do inside for Taeyang fans. I didn’t have a chance to do a lot of the stuff but it looked fun! Someone even won an Intel Notebook! So cool~
As we entered I hurried over because the ladies grabbed us a spot on the side right in front of the band. It was a mini balcony about 3 feet off the ground where we could clearly see above everyone with a great and unobstructed view of the stage. From there we had a nice drink and danced to Choice 37 DJing for 2 hours before Taeyang came on.
Soon the band went to their places and “Super Star” started blasting from the speakers. And there he was….the Super Star himself!
His energy was high and I’m sure he could feel the overwhelming love in the room. The roar from the crowd was like a freight train! No one could believe he was right in front of our eyes in the flesh.
Decked in white, song after song we sang the parts we knew which was mostly only the random English parts! It was quite hilarious when Taeyang pointed the mic out for us to sing but it was pretty silent with everyone looking at each other. Hey Tae Tae, we love you, we love Kpop but we don’t know all the lyrics!!! Haha. But when “Only Look At Me” came on I sang my little Hangul lyrics heart out since it’s my favorite song of his. I got chu Tae Tae…I got chu. 😀
He then chat a bit and said he’d be debuting a new song that night! Beforehand we had heard it would be a song titled “Body” (ooh la la what’s THAT song about Tae?) but it was later changed to a lovely song titled “1AM.” He told us he wasn’t sure if it’d be released because it was up to Papa YG. We all cheered that we’d fight to make the song get released!

Soon the piano keys of “Ringa Linga” chimed in and we knew it was time to Par-tah! I really loved the live rendition they did that night because it had a lot of bass in it. Me likey!
After only 30 minutes Taeyang waved his goodbye! We were so shocked! No way he was going to be up there only half an hour! We didn’t take no for an answer so we started chanted “One More Song,” “Encore” and “Taeyang…Young Bae” for the next 5 minutes. Lo and behold he heard our cries and soon he jumped back out and gave us more!
Throughout the show he had asked us to request a song for him to encore. A lot of people shouted “Wedding Dress” but Taeyang addressed that it must be a song they had the MR too. It was quite surprising he wasn’t originally going to perform the song since it’s a popular one in his catalog. But from the crowds cheers and chants he did the song A capella with the band soon joining in. Our Always Taeyang/YB Mania side started shouting our own chant requesting his sexy song “Take it Slow” while stomping our feet to the beat. We chanted another 5 minutes but our cries fell on deaf ears. Sigh. Taeyang WHY YOU NO TAKE IT SLOW?
Before it was done he gifted us with Big Bang’s “Bad Boy” and my personal favorite “Fantastic Baby” before ripping off his shirt and throwing it to the crowd. I heard that the girl who caught it said it was drenched in sweat to the point she had to wring it out. Lol. Girl you better put that sweat in a bottle and keep it! (Just Joking!…Kind of…:D)
Last but not least Taeyang was given a plaque/certificate/key to the city from a representative in proxy of the mayor of San Francisco.
And that was it! I caught a taxi ride home with a friend and was knocked out in my bed within minutes. What a night! San Francisco was such a great place. So much so that if I did choose to live in the states again I’d like it to be there! The people were extremely nice and there’s so much to do. I want to give a shout out to everyone who I ran into that knew me! People in random places were stopping me like “Hey aren’t you April/The Pink Fashion Ninja?” It was awesome to meet everyone and it made me feel so good inside to know my blog/YouTube reached so many!
And a big THANK YOU to MTV Iggy and Intel for allowing Taeyang to be a part of this. I can’t think of anyone better or more deserving of this opportunity. The atmosphere was great and was a once in a lifetime experience (but I do hope there are many more to come!)
(I feel like I’m giving thank you’s at an award show or something. Lol.) Another big thank you to *Teal from ATY for the love. I appreciate the Solmate comradery. Love you! She knows what I’m referring to. <3 And *Clara for giving Taeyang my face mask!! Thank you!
Last but not least a huge thank you to DONG YOUNG BAE. Your music inspires us all and it allows us to be a part of you. We thank you for being the amazing man/artist you are. Love you dearly.
—-Pink Fashion Ninja
Don’t forget to check out musicexperiment.com for Taeyang’s full concert. And you can spot me at the beginning of the BB song encore video with the light up black and white sign. 😀
Photo Credit:
As tagged
YB Mania