Black Milk is an absolute favorite brand of mine I recently discovered. I haven’t ordered anything from them yet but after I’m done getting my international bank account set up here, I will definitely have my card ready. The clothing below is quite AMAZING and literally out-of-this-world. Unfortunately more than half the items shown below you can not purchase because #1. The Black Milk brand only sells items for limited time frames #2 The shopping part of the site is down for a week or two because of high demand. The ones I’m showcasing are my favorites over time that Black Milk has created. Please check out their Website where you can still view items and their really cool Blog.
First Up Swimsuits (That for the fall can easily be worn with jeans or a skirt and a cardigan!)
The name of each item is pretty much self explanatory so if you would like to look them up just describe them as such.
This one if freaking funny and AWESOME!
No denying this one is #1.
Proud to be an American!
I feel like this should be in a Museum!
I call this the Illuminati dress. lol
Jack Nicholson from the movie”Witches” maybe?
Actor Steve Buscemi
And check out this lady’s Tumbler. She has a really cool site.
Which of these are your favorites?? Have you purchased any items from Black Milk?
Leave a comment and let me know!
April Jay is a style and travel content creator who loves sewing, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and rocking out to coldrain.
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