Trend setting solo singer Sunmi recently released her sultry title single Tail along with a passionate accompanying music video. Her styling featured looks from iconic brands like Saint Laurent and Louboutin showing a dark and sleek sexy side of Sunmi that we hadn’t been exposed to before. At first listen I fell in love with the song and fashion so I was quick to see what I had in my closet to recreate her looks.
What was your favorite fashion moment from Sunmi’s Tail? Let me know in the comments!
@april_jay88 Tried a few looks from the best song of 2021 – Sunmi’s Tail 🐈 ##sunmi ##kpopfashion ##kpopfashioninspired ##fashiontok
Shop the look
Shop the look
Check out the Sunmi video here!
April Jay is a style and travel content creator who loves sewing, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and rocking out to coldrain.
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