What’s Up Korea: Official 태권도 Butt Kicker!
My teacher Dong Yang and I! |
So I finally made it. I get my black belt in a week or two with my name embroidered in Hangul. I had the choice of English or Hangul so I chose Hangul of course! Heck, why not. I’m in Korea and the things I can get here I will not take for granted.
So my last day of TKD is June 31st since I’ll be done with my school contract in August. I’m going to miss my teacher because he was friend, almost father figure to me. We sat and chatted MANY a day over life’s challenges. He felt comfortable enough to share his challenges with me and always gave me father-like advice. I appreciate the friendship we grew and will miss him dearly, but thankfully we can keep communication through KakaoTalk!
Yeah! That's awesome! Good work girl!
Awesome! Congrats! I've always wanted to do martial arts and was definitely going to get into Taekwondo when I come to Korea next month! Now this makes me feel even more excited about it! 🙂