5 thoughts on “Rain 비 Last of the Best Concert Oct 9th”

  1. Hey girl, I just came over from Cloud USA to check out your entire blog post. The pictures are amazing and like I had already mentioned on the Cloud USA site I loved the videos as well. Love your personality and I will definitely be subscribing to your blog/YT….*hugs*

  2. Thanks so much babe!!!
    I deeply appreciate the support! I was happy my phone didnt die when the show started like before but sure enough right before the show was over it wanted to die. lol But at least this time I was able to get some pics of the amazing MAN. lol

    Thanks so much for subscribing and God Bless!

  3. Hi! I'm from Houston, TX and I was watching your youtube rant about the last of the best concert and you made me laugh! I am so jealous that you guys got to see him!!! If only I had the money I would've totally flew over there and supported him! I'm a huge fan of his just recently (Don't know what took me so long to get back into K-Pop and notice Rain). So sad that I became a fan only two weeks ago and now he is enlisting!!!! T-T Can't wait for his return! Thanks for sharing your blog and youtube with us!!! I almost felt like I was there!

  4. @nonmysushi

    Hello! I'm so happy you enjoyed the account and videos. Rain will be in the US soon so you won't even have to get a plane ticket because he will be right in your town performing! Yeah (Crossing my fingers lol)

    I feel like it doesn't matter the time frame for when you became a fan. All that matters is that you are. But I do understand you how he's now leaving right after you became a fan. I've only been for 2 years and I still feel like I didn't get much time to see him.

    Let's just continue to keep Jung Jihoon aka Mr. Rain's legacy continuing flowing as he is vigorously serving his country.

    Thanks so much for commenting and I hope you visit my blog often!

    Kamsa Hapnida

  5. Pingback: Rain Still Raining Tour in Las Vegas - The Year of April

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