3 Amazing Sites To Learn Korean

Are you in the process of learning Korean but confused on how to choose which is best for you? With the myriad options online one can be frustrated when trying to find the site that’ll work for you. 
To help, here are my Top 3 Korean study sites that I use on a daily to improve my Korean. (And all the options are FREE!)

3. 웃 메인 (Korean Hangman)

When I first started playing this game a few years ago it was just a simple game to brush up on Korean. Since then they’ve revamped the app to an awesome and informative study guide for those in process of learning Korean.
One of the great things about this app is that you don’t need a Korean keyboard on your phone! Also there’s a huge variety of vocabulary to study from along with an actual Study Mode that must be complete by levels. You can even study Topik!

So if you you’re in the mood to play a game, but want something that’s educational (in terms of something you enjoy learning) then download 웃 Man!

This app is only available for download for Andriod.

2. Sogang

In my opinion this is the BEST online Korean Learning site. Their extensive online Korean Program is FREE. And we love free right? Each lesson gives an overview of each section along with key expressions, a listening, reading and grammar section along with key vocabulary. The only con I’d have is the order of the lesson which is easily fixed by clicking it in the order you want. In my opinion, objectives, vocabulary and key expressions should go first then grammar, reading and listening last. I feel listening is the most difficult and shuld be like the final quiz to test your comprehension. But like I stated before, you can learn each section in the order you want with just a click of a button.

1. Koreanfromzero

This site I recently stumbled upon and LOVE. It’s a FREE downloadable workbook written by Native English speakers FOR Native English speakers learning Korean. Instead of being inundated with vocab words like a lot of Korean Language books do, this workbook teaches grammar along with vocabulary and even tips for typing with Hangul. One of my favorite sections from the workbook is when they show the different ways Korean letters can be written or typed. This is very important because of lot of times we learn a language and get used to how it looks typed but not how it’s handwritten by a Native Speaker. And the BEST thing about this book is that there’s no ROMANIZATION!

You can also purchase the workbook if you’d prefer a tangible version. Download the free version Here.

So there it is, 3 Korean Language sites to study Korean from! 
In the comments, let me know what your favorite Korean Language sites are. Happy learning!!

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